This easy recipe combines shrimp with tender bay scallops, calamari, crisp arugula, and radicchio. Tossed with a lemony dressing, it makes a flavorful...
Basmati rice makes an excellent complement to this spicy curry dish. You can flavor the rice by adding a bay leaf, a cinnamon stick, and cardamom pods...
With its rich flavor and velvety texture, black cod is the best choice for this dish, but other firm, white-flesh fish, such as halibut or Arctic char,...
Turning a whole side of fish on the grill is easier if you use a fish-shaped grilling basket. Fire Roasted Vidalia Onion Halves make an ideal dinner accompaniment...
The basic curry powder used to flavor this easy-to-make Indian-spiced halibut dish is enhanced by bittersweet fenugreek seed, mustard, cardamom, and cloves;...
Each summer, many lobsters' tough shells are replaced by thin ones. These lobsters, called "shedders," are a delight to eat -- it takes no effort to get...
Sweet corn, spicy peppers, and succulent shrimp are the stars of this maque choux, or Cajun succotash. The "milk" scraped from the corn cobs after the...
Our fast take on an Italian-American classic. Francese is usually made with battered chicken or veal but shrimp is even more delicious in the buttery lemon...
Salmon is full of protein, vitamin A, and omega fatty acids, which are essential to the proper functioning of the heart and brain. This recipe for coriander-crusted...
The 3 components of this salad can be readied ahead of time and later mixed together for a healthful lunch. For the freshest tasting salad, open the can...
For a streamlined, stress-free meal, slide this shrimp scampi supper into the oven. Preheating the baking sheet gives the sliced potatoes a headstart to...
Easy and delicious as well as a real stunner, this winner dinner comes together in less than an hour. It's a paella-like pasta dish that cooks on the stovetop,...
A big pot of quick-cooking seafood turns a weeknight meal into a party. This recipe uses Creole seasoning and Worcestershire sauce for an easy-going New...
Tossing hot-off-the-grill halibut steaks and vegetables with an herb vinaigrette infuses them with tons of flavor. A colorful assortment of olives adds...
A natural affinity exists between salmon and mustard. In this dinner recipe, a sauce of fresh lemon juice and herbs temper the heat of the mustard, but...
Don't be put off by the number of anchovies in this recipe; they will soften and mellow during cooking, contributing wonderful flavor without being the...